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New Christmas traditions

  • Print
  • Art Direction
  • Web
  • Studio Photography
  • Production


Madisonville Christmas Company sought our expertise to kickstart their journey and shine a festive spotlight on their new 3-acre Christmas wonderland.


Following in-depth analysis of audience preferences, competitive landscape, and brand positioning, we crafted billboards, custom photography, a playful website, and engaging brand campaigns. The outcome? A successful launch that surpassed all goals, making their opening day a resounding success.

tis the season

We crafted a comprehensive website that exuded playfulness, festivity, and ignited the anticipation to explore Madisonville. Our design not only highlighted various activities available but also showcased a diverse array of shopping options, enticing customers to make the journey to the store.


Agency / Warren Douglas Advertising

Creative Director / Randall Hooker

Art Director, Lead Designer, Pre & Post Production / Courtney Thompson

Photographer / Greg Beck


Check more of my design projects below!

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